The structure will accommodate growth in airport operations and a continued increase in public parking demand

The Metropolitan Airports Commission constructed a new 5,000-space parking structure at Terminal 1-Lindbergh in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The bid package for the parking structure, included the demolition of portions of existing infrastructure, construction of an eleven-level parking structure, a rental car customer service building, a transit center, and construction of other supporting infrastructure. The parking structure bid package had an estimated construction cost of $235 million. This project was constructed at the same time as the new hotel at Terminal 1-Lindbergh, which required close coordination with the hotel contractor as well as all other project stakeholders, MAC staff, and airport operations.
MG McGrath fabricated and installed a variety of façade and cladding materials including perforated aluminum plate panels, 36,000 square feet of a custom stainless-steel cable mesh system, and over 7,000 square feet of Ceramitex Sintered Ceramic façade panels. The largest cladding scope comes in the form of unitized frames with terra cotta baguettes. The architect chose a specific design for the terra cotta, so while the black, blue, and grey colors of the terra cotta look sporadic, each colored baguettes had to be placed in a specific spot, making coordination essential on this project. Over 157,000 square feet of these unitized terra cotta frames were fabricated and installed in their specific location by our team. The last section of work completed by our team was a 15,000 square foot aluminum perforated wall art. These metal panels feature perforated images created from photographs of people taken by artist Steve Ozone. Each perforated hole is uniquely sized and spaced to look like the photographs on the metal without a decal