“The building is, for lack of a better term, blast-proof” – Kyle Loven, Chief Division Counsel for the Minneapolis Division FBI

This 281,300 square foot government campus serves as the Minneapolis-area FBI field office and headquarters. The main five-story building is equipped with blast force protection, level IV security, and is LEED Gold Certified. In total, the project cost $61 million, but they were able to buy the unused building site from the city for just $1. This new campus replaced their old downtown location which only had 59,000 square feet of space that they quickly outgrew. Other off-site operations were also consolidated into this new location that has a main building, 3-story parking garage, and a small vehicle maintenance annex. The main building features emergency operations centers, evidence rooms, a SWAT operations center, and restricted investigation areas. The building has often been described as “a fortress without the moat”
MG McGrath fabricated titanium zinc plate into our own custom D-Set panel system and installed it on the exterior of the new FBI Office. Our team also fabricated and installed the Metal VR Classic Omega Wall Panels with a custom Kynar paint finish to match the other zinc paneling. The last little bit of work our team did for the new campus included installing, galvanized hat channels, Anthra Zinc flashings, 2” Thermax sheathing insulation, moisture barriers, and vapor barriers