MG McGrath Wins Most Innovate Use of SSL for the Mall of America Rod Art project.    MG McGrath designed, engineered, fabricated, furnished and installed three custom rod art pieces.   The ½” Diameter Rods anodized with six custom finishes hang on 1 millimeter stainless steel cables with different spacing and configurations.

2014 PIA Awards | Mall of America Rod Art

MG McGrath Mall of America Rod Art Project Portfolio

Now four years into conducting the Architectural SSL magazine Product Innovation Awards program, a definitive trend jumps out at this industry observer: In reviewing the field of entrants, I noticed a definitive maturation, even specialization, of the products being submitted. Clearly, manufacturers of light sources using solid state LED lighting are starting to get a firm handle on what the market wants, and are producing products to meet that demand; conversely, they’re also identifying niches where SSL-powered light sources can fill a vacuum in the market. This self-realization is encouraging, and is reflected by the quality of products we reviewed and present here in this special issue.  -Architectural SSL Product